Areas of Business

We provide picosecond laser oscillators used as a light source in laser devices in semiconductors, mounting substrates, semiconductor manufacturing and testing equipment, and microfabrication of electronic components (primarily for drilling and patterning) in different wavelengths: DUV (266 nm), UV (355 nm), and Green (532 nm). We also recommend, develop, and sell optical systems required for instrumentation.

Spectronix’s Strengths

Made in Japan×LD-GS(Direct-Drive Laser)×Solutions

Under our corporate mission of “contributing to industrial revolution through advanced laser technology.”, we focus the development, production, sales, and after-service for laser oscillators as the only manufacturer of industrial ultrashort pulsed lasers in Japan.

Picosecond UV/DUV lasers have garnered attention as a new method for single-micron class processing for increasingly miniaturizing semiconductors and electronic components as well as for the processing of transparent materials and brittle materials such as ceramics or glass that have been difficult to process with lasers on the visible light spectrum.

Spectronix possesses world-class technical capabilities as the first company in the world to market a mass-produced device for DUV lasers (266 nm) with ultrashort pulses (15 ps), said to be difficult to achieve in industrial applications that require long-term reliability.

Spectronix’s laser oscillators feature excellent control and achieve both high processability and high-quality. Their long lifespan allows for reduced maintenance costs and downtime, helping reduce running costs after equipment for mass-production is installed.

The LD-GS method *1 that makes these features possible was created from the following three breakthrough technologies:

  1. Direct drive laser:A semiconductor laser light source capable of generating picosecond pulses at any time
  2. A hybrid amplifier for both fiber and solid-state amplification that achieves high output while suppressing damage to the crystal during wavelength conversion by using a narrow line width
  3. UV/DUV wavelength converter using high-purity crystals to achieve high output and long life.

Spectronix has also established a system to verify processing conditions with customers using our processing lab and actively recommends processing solutions to support the development of laser processing systems. Furthermore, we recommend solutions for peripheral optical components for laser oscillators and provide backup for the entire laser processing system, starting from the construction stage.

(*1) LD-GS(Laser Diode Gain Switching):A method that uses the relaxation oscillation in semiconductor lasers to obtain picosecond optical pulses.